Your complete guide to reclaiming your musculoskeletal health from the ground up. Enjoy an overview of the benefits of going barefoot or wearing minimalist shoes, the health-destructive effects of wearing elevated, cushioned shoes, and a step-by-step plan to improve foot functionality and transition safely to more barefoot time and minimalist shoe use.
The Definitive Guide To A Barefoot And Minimalist Shoe Lifestyle will help you correct one of the most fundamental health disconnects in modern life: the bracing and encasing of your feet inside restrictive, cushiony shoes. Since we have to use shoes in modern life, the goal is to try and minimize the negative aspects of modern footwear by spending more time barefoot or in Peluvas—which best simulate a barefoot experience while providing the necessary protection and functionality.
When you can have more barefoot influence in your life, you reduce the risk of chronic pain and injury to your feet and lower extremities, and improve your posture, walking and running technique, balance, explosiveness, speed, endurance, and kinesthetic awareness.